Wavy Chocolate bar

Wavy Chocolate Bar: Things you must know before eating

The Wavy chocolate bars brand is a line of organic, vegan, and gluten-free confectioneries created by the Wavy foundation. The wavy foundation was founded in Berlin, Germany in 2012 with the goal to decriminalize natural plants like cannabis and magic mushrooms. 

Wavy Chocolate Bars are their only product currently on the market but make no mistake, it’s not one you want to miss. The Wavy Chocolate Bars are made using high-quality 100% vegan and organic chocolate, as well as hand-selected magic mushrooms. This magic mushroom is the main ingredient that makes this chocolate totally different from all others.

In this article, I will discuss the things you should know before eating wavy bar chocolate.

What is Magic Mushroom?

Magic mushroom is a wild or cultivated mushroom that contains Psilocybin, a naturally-occurring psychoactive and hallucinogenic compound.

How does magic Mushroom work?

Magic mushrooms have an active substance called “psilocybin” which when consumed makes part of your brain serotonin become trapped in the neurons. 

Serotonin is one of the most important neurotransmitters in our brain and affects our mood, behavior, and cognition.

Magic mushroom : Wavy chocolate bar ingredients

Normally when serotonin is released into a neuron it gets reabsorbed by the presynaptic neuron to be used again for another release.

When magic mushrooms are consumed serotonin cannot be reabsorbed and stays active in your brain which causes you to experience certain things like euphoria, happiness, fear, visions, and hallucinations, etc.

After effects of magic mushroom

The long-term effects are still unclear because there is no evidence yet whether magic mushrooms can cause cancer or affect fertility if consumed frequently even though it might lead to damaged brain cells due to intake of high levels of psilocybin in magic mushrooms.

Wavy Chocolate Bar Ingredients

Wavy chocolate bars only contain the active ingredients of magic mushroom which is psilocybin and psilocin.

The magic mushroom present in wavy bars varies from 2% to 5% depending upon their size.

And magic mushroom is just part of magic bar chocolates, magic bars have a few more 100mg of magic mushroom which makes magic bar chocolate twice as strong as magic mushrooms.

Other ingredients in magic bars are Cocoa butter, sugar, cocoa powder, whole milk powder, and soya lecithin. But please note that the Wavy foundation does not condone the practices of illegal drugs but only provides information to those who desire to use magic mushrooms legally for recreational or spiritual purposes.

This causes changes in perception, moods, and emotions, etc. All magic mushrooms are not physically addictive but mentally habit-forming.

Psilocybin mushrooms are known to be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety, both in small doses (10mg) or larger doses (25-30mg). Wavy bars have 3.5g that contains about 10mg of Psilocybin per piece!

The wavy chocolate bar is totally vegan, gluten-free, and organic chocolate bar made out of magic mushroom which can give you amazing visual hallucinations but you should be careful when consuming.

Wavy Bar Chocolate is unique in the sense that it contains synthetic psilocybin.

What’s Synthetic Psilocybin?

Synthetic Psilocybin is a very pure form of psilocybin, which comes in two forms – hydrochloride salt and base (also known as ‘freebase’).

Wavy brand chocolate bars use the freebase version for their magic mushroom confectionery.

The Wavy foundation has gone to great lengths to ensure that its product is entirely safe and easy to consume; they even got the FDA approval for it.

Why Wavy Chocolate Bar?

Wavy Chocolates are made using edible starting materials like organic agave nectar, organic cocoa butter, organic coconut oil, Himalayan salt, and 100% vegan magic mushrooms (psilocybes).

Wavy Bars are free of preservatives, gluten, soy, and artificial ingredients!

Wavy chocolate bars are made for magic mushroom enthusiasts who wish to experience magic mushrooms without any hassle.

It is advised that magic mushrooms should be treated with the same respect as any other drug because magic mushrooms can affect everyone differently.

some might have pleasant experiences while others may find it scary or unpleasant. If you want a safe experience with magic mushrooms then it is best if you take a low dose or half bar in order to test your reaction before taking the full dosage.

Wavy Chocolate Bar Side Effects?

The most common side effects when consuming Wavy Chocolates are increased heart rate, dizziness, hallucinations, and nausea.

But these side effects will only arise if the consumer takes a larger dose than needed and will not present themselves if the consumer follows the instructions provided by the Wavy foundation.

For information, the magic mushroom is a schedule 1 drug in USA meaning that it has a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use.

So if you experience any of Wavy bar chocolate side effects then stop using Wavy bar chocolates immediately and consult with your doctor. The wavy foundation will not be responsible for any damages or harm caused by consuming Wavy Choco Bar.

Wavy Magic Mushroom Dosage Guide

If you are wondering how much Wavy bar chocolate you should eat then this is for you.

Before taking Wavy chocolate bar you have to do some research on how much Wavy bar chocolate you should eat. Wavy Foundation recommends no more than 2 Wavy bars a day and no more than 5 Wavy bars a week.

You can start with half Wavy bar chocolate, wait about 30 minutes to an hour before taking the second dose. You might get “high” or nauseous but that’s normal if you are not used to it so don’t take more because you will get high for sure!

Remember, caffeine is also a drug and it can cause terrible effects if taken too much! Be responsible when using Wavy Choco Bar. Wavy chocolate bars are not designed for children under the age of 18 so keep it away from them!

Wavy chocolate bars guarantee a 100% drug-free magic mushroom experience if they are consumed responsibly following instructions provided by Wavy Foundation which is:

(i) Do not mix magic mushrooms with any other drugs,

(ii) Do not mix magic mushrooms with alcohol or tobacco,

(iii) Start off slow with half a bar then increase dosage gradually until desired effects have been achieved.

Tips to ensure the safest possible experience: – Don’t use magic mushrooms for the first time without a trip sitter! – Make sure you’re in a safe, comfortable environment where you won’t be disturbed


Wavy brand chocolate bars are so delicious because they use organic FDA-approved Belgian chocolate as one of the main ingredients.

Wavy chocolate bars contain 3.5g of shrooms and it’s divided into six pieces so that you can choose your dose. The bars aren’t too big but still contain a decent dose of magic mushrooms.

Wavy chocolate bars are exclusively designed to provide users with an effective, safe, and legal way to consume magic mushrooms.

If you want a safe mushroom experience then it is best if you take a low dose or half bar in order to test your reaction before taking the full dosage.

If magic mushrooms are not taken responsibly then it can cause injuries, accidents, psychological damage, etc. But if they are taken properly under controlled conditions then magic mushrooms can be used as a medicine for many conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, cluster headaches, etc.

I hope the article has given you enough information about magic chocolate bars to make you understand them better! Please do further research on magic mushrooms before making any decisions because it’s really important!


1. magic mushroom – https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/hallucinogens-lsd-peyote-psilocybin-pcp
2. magic chocolate bar – https://www.wavychocolatebar.com/
3. wavy brand magic chocolate bars – https://goo.gl/4iCpKB
4. psilocybin – http://thegooddrugsguide.com/psychedelics_faq_FAQ70C2_3E6D3AADBD7B69EA1F3801D8CA

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