Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces Ingredients, Nutrition and Health Value

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces has about 28 ingredients which are average compared to other chocolates and about 14 nutritions in their 42 serving size which is also average compared to other chocolate nutrition

Among their Ingredients, they have Milk chocolate [sugar, cocoa butter, chocolate, skim milk, milk fat, lactose, lecithin (soy), pgpr], peanuts, sugar, dextrose, partially defatted peanuts, hydrogenated vegetable oil [palm kernel oil, soybean oil], and contains 2% or less of salt. In their nutritions, they have 210 Kcal calories, 4 g proteins, 12 g fat in their 42 g serving size.

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces Ingredients

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces contains milk chocolate [sugar; cocoa butter; chocolate; skim milk; milk fat; lactose; lecithin (soy); pgpr]; peanuts; sugar; dextrose; partially defatted peanuts; hydrogenated vegetable oil [palm kernel oil; soybean oil]; contains 2% or less of salt; corn syrup solids; palm kernel oil; corn syrup; artificial color [yellow 6 lakes; yellow 5 lakes; red 40 lakes; blue 1 lake]; confectioner’s glaze; lecithin (soy); modified corn starch; TBHQ and citric acid, to maintain freshness; carnauba wax; vanillin, artificial flavor.

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces

It Contains Natural Oil like Palm Kernel Oil and other oils. Let’s see a detailed overview of the ingredients of this chocolate.

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces contain palm kernel oil. Palm kernel oil derives from palm seeds, but palm oil is extracted from palm fruit. 80% of palm kernel oil’s fatty acids are saturated, while only 50% of palm oils have saturated fat.

A synthetic antioxidant known as Tert-Butylhydroquinone (tBHQ) is used as an ingredient to extend the shelf life of this product. In the manufacturing process, it’s sprayed on the packaging or on this cover for the absence of discoloration and alterations in flavor and fragrance.

The soy lecithin acts as an emulsifier and is added to Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces in order to help bind the cocoa solids as well as sugar and milk so that they can stick to cocoa butter. This increases the viscosity (‘flowability’) of the chocolate once it is melting.

polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) is an ingredient used as an emulsifier in [product name], which helps in reducing the viscosity of formation. It is a type of PGE with the European food additive number E476.

Dextrose in it is used as an artificial sweetener and also as a natural preservative. Dextrose is a type of sugar whose source is usually corn or wheat, almost the same as glucose.

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces Nutritions

It contains 14 nutritions elements

100g Nutrition Value

Nutrient NameNutrients Value
Calcium, Ca48 mg
Iron, Fe2.57 mg
Vitamin D (D2 + D3), International Units0 IU
Total lipid (fat)28.57 g
Fiber, total dietary2.4 g
Carbohydrate, by the difference59.52 g
Protein9.52 g
Fatty acids, total trans0 g
Sodium, Na286 mg
Fatty acids, total saturated11.9 g
Energy500 kcal
Sugars, total including NLEA54.76 g
Sugars added50 g
Cholesterol12 mg
Source: Food Data Central

Serving Size (42 g) Nutrition Value

Nutrient NameNutrients ValueDaily Value (%DV)
fat12 g0.15 %
saturatedFat5 g0.25 %
transFat0 gN/A %
cholesterol5.04 mg0.02 %
sodium120 mg0.05 %
carbohydrates25 g0.09 %
fiber1.01 g0.04 %
sugars23 g0.46 %
protein4 g0.08 %
calcium20.2 mg0.02 %
iron1.08 mg0.06 %
addedSugar21 g %
calories210 KcalN/A %
Source: Food Data Central

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces Nutrition Details

Let’s see the details of the nutritions and how those affect our body.

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces


Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces contain 500 kcal calories per 100g measurement and 210 kcal per serving unit. which is equal to the average chocolate calory.

If you eat 100g of Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces then you need to walk about 2.62 hours at moderate speed to burn this energy. If you like swimming then you need to swim for about 1.16 hours to burn this amount of calory. If you like cycling then you need to cycle for 0.7 hours to finish this calory.

If you want to eat only chocolate as your main food then you need to eat about 10 serving units (42 g) of Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces. This will full fill the daily need of your calory.


It contains 59.52 g of carbohydrates per 100g and 25 g carbohydrate per 42 g serving unit. This amount of carbohydrate is 11.9% of the total amount of energy per 100g.

According to Mayoclinic Reese, Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces will fully fill 5.95% of your daily carbohydrate value. To fill up your daily need, you need to eat 40 serving units of this chocolate. But keep in mind this may fill up your carbohydrate but it may exceed some other nutritions which is not good for you.


It contains 9.52g protein in 100g and 4g in a 42g serving unit. The amount of protein in this chocolate is average compared to other chocolate. Cocoa itself doesn’t have any protein. All the protein comes from dairy ingredients milk used in this chocolate.

According to DRI (Dietary Reference Intake ) by the National Institute of health, you can take 46-56 g of proteins. So based on this, you can take 14 serving units of this chocolate to fill up your daily protein needs.


Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces contains 50g added sugar in 100g and 21g in 42g in serving unit. contains 54.76g Total sugar in 100g and 23g in 42g in serving unit. According to American Heart Association (AHA), daily sugar consumption is about 36g maximum, so it’s not suggested not to eat this chocolate more than 1.57 serving units per day.


It contains 5g Saturated Fat and 0g Trans Fat in a 42g serving size. Those fats come from dairy ingredients in this chocolate.

Research suggests that consumption of saturated fat does not cause or contribute to the incidence of heart disease. So you don’t need to worry about the saturated fat in this chocolate. In fact, saturated fat may benefit metabolic health.

Trans fat in this chocolate can lead to inflammation, unhealthy cholesterol changes, and impaired artery function for those who are suffering from those diseases.


It has 12mg cholesterol in 100g measurement and 5.04mg in 42 g serving unit. Cholesterol comes from milk fat in this chocolate. If you are at risk of cardiovascular disease You should avoid eating more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol daily. If you are not at any risk factors for heart disease, it is recommended to restrict your cholesterol intake to not greater than 300 milligrams each day.

Allergen and Warnings

Reese Peanut Butter Cups Stuffed with Reese Pieces contain some allergic ingredients which may cause allergy problems if you have an allergy to certain ingredients. Among those allergy ingredients, it has soy lecithin, PGPR (emulsifier), Peanut.

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